Saturday, March 18, 2006

Is it dead yet?

Boondock Saints... oh man. I'm in love.

Anyway, about this whole 'life' thing...

My friend Carl just showed me a book that he illustrated. It's called Inherit the Land- Jim Crow Meets Miss Maggie's Will and it's a history nonfiction that looks incredibly intriguing. Carl is one lucky guy. He's already done many things I wish to do in my life. Granted, he is 10 years older than me, but still... He lives in Chicago, he's a freelance artist, and has his name on the cover of a book, to name a few things (not to mention he's from an incredibly cool Italian family and is the brother of one of my equally cool Trinity friends).

Speaking of Chicago, I should be there right now. But I'm not! Sad day.

Amble down the avenue
without a roadmap or a care
the shutter flies as fast as lives
will criss-cross here and there
under, over, everywhere
compelled to stop and stare
At color, bright and brilliant hue
Can't think to give a name
but something calls as twilight falls
-No two corners are the same.


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