Wednesday, October 05, 2005

'Oh look, Little Bo Peep From Hell! Watch as I stab thee with my staff!!'

Yay! Blogger has been revived! *Cheers*

Okay, so I definitely learned what Sweetest Day was like half a year ago, and I totally adore the idea. In case you aren't aware, Sweetest Day is a holiday celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of October. (This year, that falls on October 15th.) The holiday was orginially a day to help the needy and underpriviledged/ show appreciation for loved ones and friends. Today, Sweetest Day has taken on the latter connotation, a day in which people can go crazy and make their friends and loved ones feel tres spesh. Like St. Valentine's Day, only it has less to do with romance and more to do with simple thankfulness and appreciation. Now, I'm sure sooo many people have deemed this a 'Hallmark Holiday,' but it definitely wasn't created by the greeting card company, and even if it was, who cares? I know I personally love holidays of all sorts, especially holidays where showing appreciation is involved! Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine's Day have always been my faves, not only because of the atmosphere but also because it's a time that I can really let everyone know how much I care for 'em and let them know just how much they rock my freaking face off (aww, I miss MCQ)!

This weekend is the Antioch Retreat. I'm kind of comatose. Don't know if that's a good thing. I keep on thinking 'wow, we only have like 15 candidates... this is going to suck.' But then I catch myself and it hits me. Who am I to confine the beauty of God's infinity to such a small space? Who am I to judge His works or critique His plan? Obviously, as Aaron has instructed me to tell everyone, the people who are meant to be on this retreat are going to be on this retreat, and those who want to come but cannot are obviously not at the point that God needs them to be at as of yet. Everything will be picture perfect in its execution as long as we step out of God's way and stop telling ourselves that numbers mean everything. I know I must eat my own words in this case, but really, the Antioch program is designed for this many people.

Oh look, what a lovely WERBILGERBAT!!

Anyway, to recap:
-Sweetest Day rocks. (October 15th)
-Y'all have to remember to celebrate it. Yes, even you college peeps! Give your roommate a hug, call your parents just to say hello, or even leave your least favorite teacher an anonymous thank-you note. It's little things like that that can truly brighten someone's day and bring Christ to the world!
-Antioch Retreat this weekend. Not very big.
-I give my talk Saturday morning right after breakfast, pray that I get better!
-God is... awesome.
-Life is peachy.


Oh yeah, and do this. really. You know you want to...


At October 05, 2005 10:21 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Wonder why I've never heard of this sweetest day thing until today. I guess it never really spread that much because it's always been dwarfed by Valentine's Day. I can def see why people would want 2 days like that a year. It's funny how insignificant random acts like a thank you note can brighten up someone's day. I think I'll have an early appreciation day like on the 10th by giving a teacher a dozen roses or something (mwhahaha).

At October 05, 2005 10:22 PM, Blogger Erin Marie Hall said...


At October 07, 2005 12:59 AM, Blogger Andy said...

I take these surveys too seriously but here it is.
1. I died from natural causes: I’d be in shock then probably cry
2. I kissed you: I’d ask you if you were ok…
3. I lived next door to you: I’d probably bug the heck out of you (more than I do now)
4. I started smoking: I’d be half pissed/disappointed in you
5. I stole something: Read #4
6. I was hospitalized: I’d come down on a weekend to visit
7. I ran away from home: I’d probably try to find you or get a hold of you to talk you into coming back.
8. I got into a fight and you weren't there? I’d ask you if you won

9. Personality: Eccentric
10. Eyes: Superhuman (better than 20/20)
11. Hair: uhh… well it’s brown…
12. Family: Crazy/Cool

13. Be my friend?: Yeah
14. Keep a secret if I told you one?: Sure
15. Hold my hand? Uh huh
16. Take a bullet for me? Yeah (couldn’t let my lil’ sis take one)
17. Keep in touch?: I’ll try
18. Try and solve my problems?: Have tried
19. Love me?: …
20. Date me?: …

21. Lied to make me feel better?: Never
22. Wanted to kiss me?: …
23. Wanted to kill me?: EVERY WAKING MOMENT hmm actually never (what do you really expect from a question like this?)
24. Broke my heart?: Nope
25. Kept something important from me?: Nope
26. Thought I was unbearably annoying? Nope

::And More::
27. Who are you? Andrew Scott Alexander Helms I (A.k.a. Skippy)
28. Are we friends? Yep
29. When and how did we meet? Through Michael about half a year ago (though we probably met at the French field trip since I hung out with Kyle & Blaire during it last year & apparently you did too (don’t remember it too clearly though))
30. Describe me in one word: Irreplaceable
31. What was your first impression? Hmm… honestly just a run-of-the-mill sophomore.
32. Do you still think that way about me now? Nope
33. What reminds you of me? Ducks, Operations, funny accents & Million Dollar pennies
34. If you could give me anything what would it be? A lifetime supply of Cheesecake
35. How well do you know me? I know you better than I know my own sister
36. When's the last time you saw me? Last Sunday
37. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Not that I can remember

At October 07, 2005 1:41 PM, Blogger Mike said...

1. I died from natural causes: Hmm, It would be a very mournful period for me, fo' sheezy.
2. I kissed you: Uh...
3. I lived next door to you:Hey, you kinda did once! But seriously, it'd be kinda fun!
4. I started smoking: Scream at you for hypocracy
5. I stole something: Give you many disapproving looks.
6. I was hospitalized: Pray like crazy!
7. I ran away from home: Probably find you here, lol.
8. I got into a fight and you weren't there? Uhh, well considering I'm not there...

9. Personality: You're friggan crazy
10. Eyes: Massive
11. Hair: Groovy?
12. Family: Interesting

13. Be my friend?: Never!
14. Keep a secret if I told you one?: Sure would!
15. Hold my hand?: That's dirty...
16. Take a bullet for me? Yep
17. Keep in touch?: Uhh, am i?
18. Try and solve my problems?: Sure!
19. Love me?: In that beautiful Catholic sort of way!
20. Date me?: Hmm... too far away methinks

21. Lied to make me feel better?: Uhh, yeah...
22. Wanted to kiss me?: Umm...
23. Wanted to kill me?: Nope
24. Broke my heart?: That's not something I can answer
25. Kept something important from me?: Yeah
26. Thought I was unbearably annoying? not so much

::And More::
27. Who are you? My name is Enigo Montoya
28. Are we friends? Sure are!
29. When and how did we meet? Uhh, Antioch Youth group, not sure exact circumstances.
30. Describe me in one word:fluffy
31. What was your first impression?: No idea
32. Do you still think that way about me now? Lol.. yeah!
33. What reminds you of me? Writing
34. If you could give me anything what would it be? Nunchucks
35. How well do you know me? Pretty dern well... better than i know my sister too!
36. When's the last time you saw me? Right before I came here
37. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? What? Perhaps



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