Friday, August 26, 2005

My Life Is Complete

The Giant Penguin says:'you win'


At August 26, 2005 10:53 PM, Blogger Andy said...


At August 27, 2005 2:24 PM, Blogger Erin Marie Hall said...

I'm glad you see the error of your foolish ways.

P.S. I have surrounded your penguin forces, and taken them as prisoners of war. Your defeat is imminent, concede now.

At August 28, 2005 4:06 PM, Blogger Andy said...

What you have surrounded are the decoy penguin forces which consists of bunch of seals wearing tuxidos. It is too late for my penguin forces have finally arrived. My victory is now imminent foolish mortal mwhahahaha!

At August 28, 2005 4:12 PM, Blogger Erin Marie Hall said...

Wait, since when have your penguins given you immortality? I thought that was only a God thing. Also, your decoy forces must have been very well disguised because upon attempting to remove the 'tuxedos' I got a bunch of skin and blood. Guess they weren't decoys after all...


At August 28, 2005 4:17 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Why I was only trying to sound like an evil overlord with the whole foolish mortal thing. I never said that I was immortal. Secondly you may have a hard time removing tuxedos from my seals considering I stapled and superglued them on. Anyway if you're so sick as to rip apart helpless animals like that maybe I'm not the evil one. It sounds to me like you are. Oh and to answer your question... you.

At August 28, 2005 4:19 PM, Blogger Erin Marie Hall said...

You put staples in your seals???? Sicko!!

At August 28, 2005 4:20 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Well something had to keep the tuxedos on while the superglue dried.

At August 28, 2005 4:33 PM, Blogger Erin Marie Hall said...

General BlueSheep,
As ranking soldier #44216 of the Penguin forces, I would like to extend an invitation of peace to you and your troops. I, along with several hundred rebel penguins, have become dissatisfied with our current leader (General Femme), and wish to fight for your side. The conditions we currently live, train, and fight in are no longer suitable, and we have heard of your availing generousity and kindness. Thus, we ask for your permission to join forces and defeat the enemy more soundly than ever before.

Waddle Ing Tux, SGM

At August 28, 2005 4:48 PM, Blogger Andy said...

First I would like to state that I Master Chief Skippy has overthrown General Femme long ago. His conditions were a bit under par with my expectations. My penguin forces and I have been enjoying the hot tub, sauna, and mocktails (non alcoholic cocktails to keep my troops ready for battle) accommodated by Purdue for getting rid of the squirrel forces. As you may have realized his number #44216 indicates our forces are so large that a few hundred penguins make no difference at all. Feel free to make an alliance with this insignificant faction.

At August 28, 2005 5:01 PM, Blogger Erin Marie Hall said...

Perhaps you have missed the flaw in logic that is ever so inherent in your argument, but being creatures of such cold climates, your penguins likely did not appreciate being boiled in a pot of bubbling water while drinking refreshments that tasted oddly like the stuff they had at the zoo. Luckily, they have now found a better home with me, where Notre Dame and Steubenville have teamed up with the Vatican to provide my internationally beloved forces with accomodations to fit their needs. To the squirrels: plenty of excercise space and nuts galore. To the duckies: vast ponds of cool water filled with small boats of crackers of various exotic flavors. To the new penguin arrivals: large iceboxes and skating rinks to slip and slide and feed from. All the yummy fish they could ever desire. And of course, any other personal requests are also met.

By the way, ranking soldiers #1-43800 are dead, thus leaving you with a remaining 416 active soldiers. So thank you, the 'insignificant faction' you speak of, which happens to consist of 415.5 rebels (the 416th is still deliberating), is quite useful.

At August 28, 2005 6:56 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Uhh Erin I think you're quite dilusional. First off do you know nothing of penguins? Penguins live all around the world from australia to antarctica to even africa. The penguins you are thinking of are the generic antarctic ones that prefer the cold climates. Secondly penguins are the most loyal creatures on this planet. The rebels that you allied have fed you false information about our forces they are all alive and well. But while you have been wasting your time setting up recreational equipment thinking my forces were harmless my spies have infiltrated your base and stolen your most prized possesions your past journals!!! Mwhahahahahaha

At August 28, 2005 10:25 PM, Blogger Erin Marie Hall said...

Dude, the journals contain nothing but blubbering nonsense about Catholicism and love and music. It's not like there are battle tactics or anything in there. You can keep 'em!

At August 28, 2005 10:32 PM, Blogger Andy said...

It's funny you should say that because you always acted as though those are the most precious things in the world to you. Having them in our possesion not only will give us insight onto your weaknesses but it will also bring down your overall moral seeing as how we have come close to peering into your very soul.

At August 28, 2005 11:08 PM, Blogger Erin Marie Hall said...

LOL, I'm an open book. You won't read anything you didn't know before (except maybe that I'm really an Italian music star in disguise.)

At August 28, 2005 11:14 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Well anyway it looks like you've been tricked this time so I guess I win. Oh and that's not all you will soon discover that I have employed a new animal to my forces but that you will discover soon enough. Mwhahahaha till we meet again dilusional italian music star.

At August 28, 2005 11:17 PM, Blogger Erin Marie Hall said...

I have not been tricked, the journals were written and planted to distract you, for while you have been perusing my writings and rubbish, forces have been rising against you. You shall perish soon.

At August 28, 2005 11:23 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Maybe we should save it for another day. Lord knows you need your beauty sleep. My forces are regrouping in a hidden location till then. Au revior!

At August 28, 2005 11:30 PM, Blogger Erin Marie Hall said...

-----Begin Erin having last word-----

Studies show that sleep increases the functionality of brain cells, so I'd say you need quite a bit more than me.

-----End Erin having last word-----


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